Hark the Heralds (part 1 of 6)

Did you ever have a crush in elementary school and you were too afraid to tell the person yourself? Yep. Most of us did. So what did we do? We sent a messenger to look into the situation for us and act in our place. A wussy move, but hey, you do what you have to do when you’re shy as hell. We were a bit like Galactus when you think about it. Except he sent his Heralds (AKA messengers) to scout planets for him and act in his place until he saw fit to arrive. He’d then devour the planet’s life-force, killing all who lived upon it. You know, maybe this analogy isn’t as spot on as I originally thought. Sigh. Anyway, enjoy my look back at “Silver Surfer” #70…..

We begin our story in deepest space where the current Herald for the mighty Galactus, Nova, looks on at a beautiful planet consisting of millions of inhabitants. They are completely unaware that she is near, let alone what her true purpose for visiting is. She is a servant of death itself. A harbinger of doom for entire civilizations. After she locates a planet that fits Galactus’ criteria, the very life of the world is consumed by the Devourer, leaving utter destruction and then horrifying silence in his wake! The death count of this so-called god is incalculable. As Nova looks down upon this peaceful planet, she feels extreme guilt. She is loyal to her master, but she can do this no longer. Nova speeds off towards Galactus’ space vessel. (I need to get me one of these Heralds. They could locate the best restaurants for me to feed my undying hunger for artery-clogging awesomeness! Damn. I’m hungry now. I shall return after making a snack.)

(I’m back. You know, I do believe that some granola bars are tools of the Devil, created from chopped up pieces of cork and plywood. Yummy. Must talk to Mrs. Symbifan about purchasing unhealthier snacks for me in the future.) Nova enters the enormous spacecraft of Galactus. He doesn’t look up from his many monitor screens as he asks the inevitable question: “Have you found a suitable world from which I will feed my insatiable hunger?” Nova lies as she tells her master that she has found no such place as of yet. The god does look up then. He calls his Herald a liar! He’s been watching her every move for quite some time and knows how false her claim is. The Devourer of Worlds continues that he will now consume this world that she so wishes to spare. Nova cries out in protest, but the ancient god will have none of it. He traps her in an energy construct and prepares to enter the planet’s atmosphere himself!

When Galactus arrives upon the planet’s surface, Nova is forced to float next to him, helpless to do anything but watch the coming annihilation. As the Devourer readies himself to feed, he scolds his Herald with furious rage. That is until one of this world’s denizens, a muscle-bound savage carrying a double-bladed battle axe, roars a challenge up at the already annoyed god! Surprisingly, Galactus hears the insects cry and looks down upon him, interested. Galactus asks this fearless being’s name. He yells back that he is Morg, court executioner, and he fears no-one! Would this Morg be so brave if he knew that his homeworld was about to be obliterated? Yes! If that is his planet’s fate, then so be it. He cares nothing for his people or his world. His only concern is for himself! Intrigued, the ancient god seizes Morg, sparing his life as he begins the feeding process! In no time at all, the planet is reduced to no more than rubble as Nova cries out in horror! (Mmmm. Nothing like a good planet to feel truly full. Do you think there are fattening worlds out there that go straight to Galactus’ godlike thighs?)

Shortly, back on Galactus’ ship, the Devourer turns to his distraught Herald and tells her that she is free! He wants her to leave his presence immediately! Nova is shocked beyond words! How is this possible? Has she not always been loyal? And now he means to simply throw her away? (Breakups are haaaaard. I bet she spies on his Facebook page constantly.) She asks her former master, what will he do without a Herald to find him world’s suitable for his hunger? Galactus replies that he has made many mistakes in the past with his choosing of Heralds. They all had their flaws. No more. He has found the perfect being to aid him. He reveals Morg, encased in energy! Nova cries out in alarm! Surely he can’t be serious! One final time, the god orders Nova to leave. Sadly, she finally does so. Galactus asks Morg if he will be his next Herald. The creature agrees without pause! Morg is then imbued with the Power Cosmic and a deadly new Herald is born!

Mere moments later, the Silver Surfer flies into Galactus’ ship. He means to talk to Nova about her growing empathy and conscience. Turning, he sees the ancient god and asks her whereabouts. Galactus replies that she is gone and she will not be returning. The Surfer is shocked! Has the Devourer lost his mind? Nova may have had her doubts as of late, but her loyalty was beyond question. Galactus warns the Surfer that his insolence will not be tolerated. Anyway, he now has a new Herald that’s more to his liking. Out steps the transformed Morg the Executioner! Without hesitation, Galactus orders Morg to remove this pest! Morg smiles as he happily follows his new master’s orders!

To be continued…..

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