Green with Madness (part 3 of 3)

Well, here we are, Unspokenites! The thrilling end to the “Emerald Twilight” saga. This article’s events take place in “Green Lantern” #50 and boy, was this one a page-turner! When we last left our “hero”, Hal Jordan had completely lost his mind! Now, all that seems to be standing in his way of achieving ultimate power, is the most evil being to ever work their way through the ranks of the Green Lantern Corps…..Sinestro! You know that it’s really hit the fan if the Guardians have called upon him to be their last line of defense! But enough of the recap. Sit back, relax, and let me take you back in time to 1994…..

The Earth’s Green Lantern looked at his sworn enemy standing defiantly across from him on the near-barren landscape. They’d battled many, many times over the years, but this time he wasn’t going to be the hero at the end of the story. He exclaimed to Sinestro that this would be their final fight. Sinestro smirked and concurred. Hal followed with roaring that he would kill his enemy this time. Sinestro merely scoffed. Hal Jordan has always been a big boy scout after all. The superhero doesn’t murder the supervillain. That was just a fact. That’s when Hal blasted Sinestro with a large burst of power, knocking the alien flying. After he recovered, he wiped the blood from his lips and grinned. (That’s right, Sinestro, tickle the homicidal bear on its tushie. Run, you fool! He’s gone friggin’ nuts!)

Sinestro stood and said that yes, Hal could obviously defeat him with the amount of power literally at his fingertips right now. But then he’d never know who was really better, would he? He’d always wonder. Hal then let all of the rings he’d acquired on his rampage drop to the rocky ground save one. (He fell for that?! For all of his might, and Hal still gets miffed if he’s called a wussy?!) Both Green Lanterns then mustered all of their inner strength and unleashed a mighty, green bast at one another at the same time! While the Guardians looked on at a somewhat safe distance, the two champions clashed below them! One would create an energy construct and the other would find a way to trump it with their own. Over and over again this would happen. Until finally, Hal drew first blood by opening up Sinestro underneath his ribcage! Both hurled themselves at the other then, creating a mighty crashing noise not unlike the loudest of thunderclaps! And still, the Guardians passively looked on.

As the dust settled, both men rose. Forgetting their powerful rings, they began to fight hand to hand. Punches and kicks were brutally delivered one after another until, bleeding profusely, Sinestro found himself in a headlock. Hal said to his longtime foe that he should have done this a long time ago. And before Sinestro could finish a witty retort, there was a quick snap of his neck! He fell lifeless to the ground! (Daaaaaamn! I might have to have a moment here. I’m utterly shocked! Aren’t you? Who wears a white cape after labor day? Geez!) Hal turned and walked towards the large Central Batterey. But before he could fully reach it, a large hand from behind grabbed him and pulled him back! It was Kilowog! He wasn’t defeated so easily after all! He only said, “No.” He followed that one word up with a big fist to the jaw that sent Hal sailing!

Kilowog continues his assault while he tries his best to talk some sense into his once-friend. Had Hal ever thought about how the Green Lanterns that he had depowered would survive in deep space without their rings to feed them an artificial atmosphere to breathe in? What if they were in mid-combat? Hal had no answer. In fact, he fell silent completely. Kilowog stopped attacking long enough to let his words sink in. It didn’t work. The fight lasted only a bit longer before Hal caught the alien’s oversized fist and blasted Kilowog with so much force, his blackened corpse was all that remained! (Umm. Now hear me out. You know how Kilowog somewhat looks like a pig? Do you………think he smells like bacon at this moment? Oh, now I’m the monster?!) Hal then dropped to his knees and a single tear trailed down his bloody face. He then stood after a long moment and let his remaining ring fall to the ground. Hal Jordan began climbing the steps to the Central Battery.

He stopped a few steps up after hearing a small voice speak from behind him. It was the Guardians. They spoke of how he was no longer worthy of the power. How much of a disappointment he was. And now, he would be punished. These words enraged the ex-Green Lantern. Punished? By whom? All he wanted was to bring everything back. Why couldn’t they allow this one act? He turned and finished his walk, entering the core of the enormous battery itself! The Guardians turned to one of their own, Ganthet. There was only one hope left to the universe now. As they concentrated, they began to actually become green energy themselves! They then all combined as one and entered Ganthet’s small form! When this act was finished, the battery exploded! And out stepped what was no longer Hal Jordan. What emerged now was power and darkness personified. He looked down and spied his old ring upon the ground. With a look of disgust, he stomped it to pieces with his mighty heel. (Dark and menacing much? Come on! It’s only a comic book story. Only nerds take this stuff seriously…..I retract my statement.)

Ganthet crawled from underneath the corpses of his dead brethren. He picked up the broken ring and concentrated. The ring reformed! Then, using the very last of his energy, he sailed off into the night sky. Meanwhile, on Earth, young Kyle Rayner exited a nightclub to get some air. There was a sudden flash of green light! He looked towards its source and the weakened Guardian handed him the ring before vanishing completely. Curious, Kyle place the ring on his finger. The uniform of the Green Lantern Corps appeared over his body! It seemed that a legend was in the making.

The end and a new beginning.

Dedicated to Tim Osborn. Brothers 4-Life!

Green with Madness (part 2 of 3)

We’ve all had one of those moments in our lives where we just want to snap and go on a rampage. Something has angered us so much that we’d love to deal out some of the pain we’ve felt back to the world. Hal Jordan of the Green Lantern Corps has just had that moment. Only he isn’t going to take a breath and calm down. He’s truly snapped beyond repair. Witness the fall of a hero as I recount the events of “Green Lantern” #49…..

Hal used his stolen energy to propel himself through outer space. His ultimate destination was the planet Oa, home of the Green Lantern Corps central battery! As he approached, the Guardians sent Green Lantern after Green Lantern to attempt to stop him. But Hal wasn’t regarded as the best for nothing. One after another, they would fall like bowling pins, and Hal would add to his growing power by taking the fallen hero’s ring! A Green Lantern’s ring was powered by the wearer’s will after all, and right now, Hal’s will was at the strongest it had ever been! (Damn! Somebody needs to tell Hal that if all he wanted was bling, all he needed to do was stop at any rapper’s mansion and he’d have more rings than he could ever need! Flavor Flav!)

The Lanterns would all try to reason with him while they gave the fight their all, but their pleas would always fall upon deaf ears and Hal would continue onward after he defeated them. He would be the Guardians’ puppet no longer. He would take all of the power that they had and bring back all that he had lost. Meanwhile on Oa, the Guardians looked down upon all of the cosmos. In particular, they watched as their once greatest champion advanced upon them with hate-filled eyes. They commented that even he was no threat. They were unconcerned. One of their number however, Ganthet, remained unconvinced. The next to fall was a close friend of Hal’s in the Corps. It seemed as though no-one meant anything more to him now than another obstacle to overcome in his mission! (And I though Guardians were ancient and therefore intelligent beings! You don’t mess with an angry human! We’ll nearly kill each other on Black Fridays! And that’s just over the newest video game console!)

Next, he was blindsided by a newer and somewhat unorthodox Green Lantern by the name of Jack T. Chance. Jack followed up his sneak attack by pulling out a large gun and aiming at the once-hero! But, within mere moments, Jack also floated, beaten and ringless, in the cold emptiness of space! (Wow! Even Lobo didn’t stand a chance! Wait. What? Jack T. Chance? You mean DC ripped off their own character? Weird. That’s like Marvel having more than one Spider-Man. Lol! They did what and how many times?!) More and more heroes of the Corps fell as Hal Jordan gained more and more power! That is until he was struck from behind by the warrior woman, Boodikka! Hal had inducted her into the mighty Green Lantern Corps himself. Boodikka did her best. Failure wasn’t an option for her. She even stated that her ring was as one with her as her own hand. That’s why Hal created a blade construct and lopped it off before he took her ring as well!

The Guardians were growing uneasy. Anyone could tell that fear was creeping into their proud yet arrogant demeanor. They were confident that their failsafe plan would save them. Ganthet once again spoke out against this plan, but even in the end, even he had to admit that there was no other way. (Those poor little Smurfs. First the constant threat of Gargamel trying to eat them all of the time, and now this!) The next to stand in Hal’s way was the mighty Kilowog, a close friend of his and a trainer for the Corps. He would definitely be no pushover. Hal and Kilowog had their words but instead of surrender, Hal chose to fight. The two titans clashed with furious power and experienced accuracy. But in the end, even a legendary fighter like Kilowog stood no chance. He fell like all of the rest.

Hal Jordan approached the enormous Central Batterey upon Oa at last. The Guardians materialized in energy form, pleading that he surrender himself. Hal laughed maniacally. He’d come too far to be stopped now. It was all or nothing. The Guardians said that he had given them no choice then. That’s when a cloaked figure emerged from green energy of the Central Batterey itself. Hal looked on in utter shock as the being pulled back his hood. Sinestro, the “fallen one” of the Green Lantern Corps stood revealed and ready to defend the cosmos that he had so often threatened himself!

To be concluded…..

Dedicated to my daughter, Jade Leigh Miller, who’s turning 21 and to my son, James Christian Miller, who will be turning 20. I love you both.