Dark Liaisons (part 1 of 4)

Fierce rage built up in him, ready to overflow like lava from an erupting volcano. Only his steel will stood between him and completely losing himself to it. If he were to succumb, would anyone be safe from his wrath? But enough about me quitting smoking this month. I should probably get on with the subject to this month’s article. This article will be the first of four as I take a look back at a personal favorite storyline of mine from my youth, “Spirits of Venom”! This narrative concerns part one which was originally presented in “Web of Spider-Man” #95. Enjoy the coming chaos, Unspokenites!

A storm raged overhead as Spider-Man swung upon his webline. In his other hand, he carried the bound form of one of his most relentless foes, the Hobgoblin! Hobgoblin struggled in his web cocoon but to no avail. He was trapped. As he relaxed his taxed muscles, he complained to his wall-crawling enemy about how this was all unnecessary. The man he had tried to kill was only a contract to be fulfilled after all. It was nothing personal. Plus in the end, he had only defended himself. These words stung Spider-Man and he let go of his captive! He let him fall several stories before catching him at last. He then roared into the face of the assassin about how the taking of any life couldn’t be any more personal and he’d see the goblin punished for what he had done! Then, Spidey continued his swinging, heading to the nearest police station. This had all not gone unnoticed however. They were being watched from a distance…..(Seems like Spidey’s in a really bad mood. Grum-pee! What is it about attempted murder that strikes a nerve in most superheroes? Go figure. He just needs a calming cigarette. Sorry. I’m doing my best here.)

The two beings that were witnessing this scene were far from your usual bystander on the street. No. These two perched instead upon the head of a gargoyle statue that was affixed atop a tall building. One of them was known as the hellish Demogoblin! The other had no known name. He was a savage doppelganger of Spider-Man himself! (How’d these two monstrosities meet? I blame online dating sites personally.) The Demogoblin spoke to his growling comrade about how he and the Hobgoblin used to be one being, but now he and the other “sinner” who carried him must be slain! He would kill the Hobgoblin but he’d save Spider-Man for the Doppelganger to do with as it wished! This terrible twosome then began their pursuit! Spidey’s spider-sense suddenly warned him of danger! He immediately let go of his webline and he and the Hobgoblin began to plummet! A smart move, as the six-armed Doppelganger narrowly missed with its many claws! The wall-crawler then fired another web upwards and swung both of them to the top of an adjacent building. That’s when the demonic Demogoblin made his grand entrance!

Riding atop his hellfire glider, he decreed that all sinners would be sent into the pits of firey Hell by his righteous hand, starting with the two before him! (Okay. So it’s become apparent to me that the Demogoblin is in need of some serious therapy! Am I wrong?!) He continued by stating that all who aided the sinner, Hobgoblin, would burn as well! Still carrying the ensnared Hobgoblin, Spidey threw a kick at the Doppelganger, sending it crashing into the Demogoblin and stunning them both! Obviously at a disadvantage, Spider-Man shot another web and swung away in hasty retreat! He didn’t get far, as the Doppelganger fired a web of his own! Only this one has it’s own unique razor-webbing and it sliced right through Spidey’s line! This sent both he and Hobgoblin into a forced nosedive towards the pointed peak of a church roof!

Several blocks away and beneath the streets of Manhattan, two other heroes were on a quest of their own. Ghost Rider turned his flaming head, searching for his evil prey as Johnny Blaze, the man who was the Spirit of Vengeance before him, followed with his hellfire shotgun in hand. They were hunting evil creatures called Deathspawn and they were last seen entering these sewers. Suddenly, Blaze aimed upwards as he sensed something watching them from above! That’s when Venom dropped from the ceiling! (Damn! Who else is in this issue?! Why not add in Archie and Jughead while you’re at it?!) Ghost Rider and Blaze both assumed that Venom was here for them. That’s why they were surprised when he leaped past them to the killers that were hiding in the shadows! They were more human looking versions of these Deathspawn and as Venom tussled with them, more apparition-like creatures crept out to attack the dark heroes!

Meanwhile, Spider-Man and Hobgoblin had survived their fall. Spidey achingly pulled the goblin inside of the church through an unlocked window with sore arms. Hobgoblin once again stated how much easier this would all be if the web-slinger were to cut him free. Spider-Man of course declined. Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a priest carrying a flashlight in shakey hands. He called out for them to reveal themselves in a frightened voice. Spider-Man stepped from the shadows, immediately putting the priest’s nerves at ease. Spider-Man asked for help. But before he could even finish his sentence, the priest agreed. He knew the goodness in this hero’s heart and was happy to be of service. (Finally! A bit of good luck for Spidey. I get tired of the whole “misunderstood hero” thing. The guy’s been around since 1962 for God’s sake! Yet he looks to be about 20 to 25 years old…..Comics are weird.)

The priest led them to the catacombs beneath the church to hide from their attackers. After, he then returned to the church’s main floor. But upon his arrival, he was terrified as he was standing face-to-face with the fanged Demogoblin and his many-limbed cohort! The priest ordered them to leave. This was hallowed ground and it would not abide their evil! Growing increasingly impatient, the Doppelganger lept towards the priest’s throat, ready to draw blood one way or another! But the Demogoblin would have none of this! Wasn’t this a man of God not unlike himself? No. The priest would live. He caught the beast by one of it’s arms and forced it back! Instead, he force the priest to lead them to their prey! Terrified, he began to lead them downstairs. Spidey’s luck held however and he noticed the trio before he could be attacked from behind. He made his presence known so that the Demogoblin would forget the priest. It worked! Too well, apparently, because the goblin threw a flaming pumpkin bomb towards Spider-Mans masked face! (Speaking of mental problems, can you imagine how much therapy this priest is gonna need after this night? Hell, you’d think any average person would need some strong meds just to live in a comic universe!)

In the sewers, Ghost Rider, Blaze, and Venom were having trouble of their own! For every Deathspawn they struck down, two more seemed to materialize! Venom, always a loner, soon tired of this and went after his original prey, the human-looking twin Deathspawn! Blaze fired his mystical weapon at the ceiling of the sewers, creating a large hole for them all to escape from. But Venom only cared about his own mission. He webbed up the two villains and escaped from the hole alone! In the church, Demogoblin threw the priest towards Spider-Man to exchange for Hobgoblin! Spidey caught him just as Venom burst through a recent hole that exploded from the catacombs floor! (Aaaand both stories have now intersected. Excellent storytelling. And the writer of this comic isn’t that bad either. ) Venom then spied his longtime arch-nemesis and leaped towards the wall-crawler, forgetting his webbed-up prize from moments ago! However, the Doppelganger would not be denied Spider-Man’s blood! It threw itself full force into Venom and the two monsters clashed in the shadows!

Demogoblin approached Spider-Man, ready to collect Hobgoblin! But this was interrupted as hellfire erupted from the large hole in the floor! Out came Ghost Rider, Blaze, and a horde of fleeing Deathspawn! When the Demogoblin spied Ghost Rider emerging from the sewers below, his fanged mouth spread into an awkward smile! He would slay an actual demon this night! Calling Ghost Rider by his supposed true demon name, he attacked the Spirit of Vengeance! To make matters worse, the still-bound Hobgoblin was being drug into the sewers by the evil wraiths! Ghost Rider and Demogoblin followed, entangled in battle! The same thing for Venom and Doppelganger as they fell in next! Blaze cleared the church catacombs of any remaining Deathspawn spirits with his hellish rifle! He then jumped in as well! (Whee! Sounds like fun! And less dangerous than most amusement park rides too!)

Only Spider-Man and the priest remained now. The rest of the combatants had already vanished into the sewers. Spidey spoke of his wife and family awaiting him at home. If he jumped in as well, there was a good chance he’d never come out alive again. The priest replied that he had already saved countless lives in his superhero career. There was no need to prove anything else. He should follow his heart. Spider-Man thanked the priest before he lept into the abyss and most probably his own certain doom.

to be continued…..

Dedicated to my nephew, Blade Miller, one of the strongest men I know.