Hark the Heralds (part 2 of 6)

I write this under the most dire of circumstances, Unspokenites…..I have a toothache. I know. I know. He’s so brave to still write this article for us, the fans. Well now, I’m no saint. (Or am I?) Anyway, enough about my dental woes. On to the next part of my look back at the second part of the “Herald Ordeal” storyline from “Silver Surfer” #’s 70-75. Enjoy as I type through my excruciating pain…..

The Silver Surfer clashes with the monstrous new Herald of Galactus, Morg! But fists are not thrown at this time. Not yet. The scuffle is short and only serves to aid the two cosmic beings as they feel each other out. Morg boasts how he has slain all who have stood before him since he was but a child. The Silver Surfer replies that Morg’s reputation pales in comparison to the atrocities that he himself has been forced to commit in Galactus’ name. The Surfer then uses Morg’s momentum against him to throw the larger creature and follows up the attack with a blast of the Power Cosmic from his hands! (Judo throw! Hiyah! Wow! Everybody was Kung Fu fighting! Come on and sing along, everybody!) Morg recovers quickly and meets the blast with one of his own from his battle axe! Galactus orders Morg to bring the Silver Surfer to him! Morg grabs the Surfer’s hands, pulls one behind his back, and locks it there in a hold as he forcefully takes the hero towards his former master!

The Surfer demands that Morg release him immediately and for the location of Nova. Galactus merely states that he has released her and that she is no longer his concern. (I’d be filing for unemployment if I was her! That was a wrongful firing!) He continues that the Surfer’s interference in his business will no longer be tolerated. His ship will remained cloaked from this moment onward to the cosmic hero’s senses. He then orders Morg to release him and to scout out yet another planet. He hungers. The ancient god takes his leave and the Surfer and Morg are once again at one another’s throats! They battle back and forth for a short time until Morg gets the upper hand, knocking the Silver Surfer unconscious with a mighty blast from his cosmic weapon!

He awakens sometime later, dazed. He has no idea how long he floated incapacitated in open space upon his board. He looks for his enemy but sees nothing but the empty void. Satisfied that he is now alone, the cosmic hero thinks about his situation. Obviously, Morg cannot be allowed to be Galactus’ new Herald. The creature is a bloodthirsty madman, now imbued with nearly unlimited power. No. This will not stand. But to defeat him, the Silver Surfer will need help. For this, he searches for and quickly locates another former Herald, Firelord! (Ooooh! It’s on now! The Silver Surfer’s getting his homies together for a galactic beatdown! Damn, son!) The Firelord is seemingly busy at the moment, as he battles countless armored foes all at the same time! When it appears as though he’s being defeated by their sheer numbers, the Surfer sends a cosmic blast their way, freeing the blazing humanoid!

At first, Firelord seems slightly annoyed that the Surfer would assume that he would require any aid. But when the army he was battling suddenly doubles with the arrival of reinforcements, he decides he wouldn’t mind a little help. As the two ex-Heralds fight side-by-side, Firelord asks the Silver Surfer why he’s come. The Surfer replies simply that he was looking for him. But why? They’ve never exactly been what you would call friends. That’s when Firelord is told the terrifying story of Morg. Firelord asks after Nova. The Surfer explains that her whereabouts are currently unknown. With the small army of armored creatures now defeated, the two powerful beings decide to locate Nova and then the three of them will confront this menace known as Morg! (Can we take a moment to discuss just how badass the name Firelord is? Discussion ended. Thank you for your time.)

Speaking of Morg the Merciless, Galactus calls out to his new Herald. Has he located a suitable world for him to devour? Morg answers that yes, he has. And there will be no resistance from the natives. That’s when Morg’s surroundings are revealed. Smoking ruins and mangled corpses surround him! This may just be the Silver Surfer’s biggest challenge to date. Luckily, it seems he won’t have to face it alone.

To be continued…..

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